Traditional plant breeding still reaps rewards - Scarlet Emperor had the heirloom flavour - welcome cousin Scarlet Empire, combining all that flavour in a stringless and disease resistant package. Discover for yourself the fine taste, the smooth long pods following the bright scarlet flowers, the vigorous growth and the long period over which these plants will crop…all adding up to a prolific champion for your garden.
Price for 24 seeds
SOW: from April to July, after frost danger has passed. We like to start runners in pots (seed depth 2.5-5cm) & plant out when they show signs of wanting to climb after hardening off. Always put your canes in first before planting in situ! They like rich soil so if you are able to dig in organic matter early in the spring the beans will appreciate the extra boost.
GROW: they like a cane each set about 20cm apart, you may need to encourage them to twine but they soon get the hang of it. Pinch out the growing tip when 25cm high to encourage more bushy growth. Start picking after about 14 weeks and then keep picking and more flowers and more beans will follow. Watered at the base in dry weather.
EAT: our preference is to pick our beans when they are young but stringless varieties such as Scarlet Empire will continue to give you nice beans even if you leave them on the plant for longer than intended. Fresh sliced runners take about 10mins to steam. Try to freeze some for winter meals: slice, blanch (if possible) & bag into meal sized amounts then cook in a steamer from frozen.