A lemony flat podded Romano type flat snap bean.  They are considered ripe when they make a crisp “snap” if they are broken in half, and they have a delicious mild flavour and a tender texture.  We think they are gourmet quality and we have eaten them just lightly steamed, braised with other veg, stir fried and in casseroles.  Plants reach 50cm tall, and they are covered in beans that you can see easily.

Price for 50 seeds. 

£1.50 / set(s)


This is a very early and quick growing variety. Pick the green pencil pods when they are young and small and cook them whole. We think they have a wonderful flavour when steamed fresh. Price for 50 seeds


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This fabulous variety produces an abundant crop of slightly glossy straight beans. These slim and fine pods, which reach 12-15cm long, are high on the plants making the job of finding them easier. A delicious choice, they can be sown from early to late in the season. Price for 50 seeds.


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