This is a tasty heirloom producing sweet & vibrant red/purple roots. Lutz can be grown to a large size and retain their flavour and texture. The flavour can sweeten still further in storage; indeed, this variety is also known as ‘Winter Keeper’. For winter use sow from mid-July to September otherwise sow from springtime. If all that wasn’t enough to tempt you then the greens also have a mouth-watering flavour, and you also have the option of close spacing to grow Lutz for baby greens for salad instead of roots. Price for 50 seeds
Did you know Soaking your beetroot seed in warm water 30-60 minutes before sowing will speed up germination
For the best winter beetroot you can mulch exposed roots before the first frosts (and particularly in colder areas) and they will stand into the winter allowing you to harvest when you want some (fresh roasted beetroot perhaps) If you don’t want to leave them out in the winter you can lift and store them in a cool frost free place cutting off the greens 5cm above the roots