If you have a windy garden then try this tasty short variety (about 45cm). It has a more bushy growth than the other broad beans and is very prolific. It also does well when grown in containers. 40 seeds
SOW: in February to April for harvest in June to August time or sow in October to overwinter for an earlier crop. We start all our beans in modules and then plant out, you can sow them in situ and protect with cloches while they get going. Late sowings are fine in the open.
GROW: if pot sown grow on and plant out when about 15cm tall. We grow our beans in triple rows which does seem to help keep the taller varieties standing on their own even on a windy site, however Sutton Dwarf grows to about 45cm and is rarely troubled. This variety is also happy grown in groups in pots.
EAT: When in full flower the tops can be pinched out for use as greens. This will restrict the height. Pick when the beans begin to show before the pods are too large. Fresh broad beans from the garden are a taste not to be missed. To Freeze – shell, blanch for 3 minutes, plunge into cold water, drain and pack into portions