Chillies come in all shapes and varieties, and all levels of heat. This Smorgasbord brings together a little of everything for you to try from gentle warmth and sweetness through to rich & very hot… with one packet (10 seeds) each of...
Biquinho Red ~ sweet, fruity, almost smoky flavour, little fruits with a distinctive ‘beak’, prolific & mild: 500-1000 SHU
Roxi ~ windowsill friendly size plants , straddling the mild to medium heat range (2500-8000 SHU) Scoville .
Serrano ~ pick at any stage, fruits get significantly hotter as they mature: from 6,000 to 23,000 as measured on the Scoville scale
Habanero Chocolate ~ the little fruits have a unique rich flavour which develops as they mature from bright green to chocolate brown. They register around 425,000 on the Scoville scale: this is very hot – you have been warned!
Padron ~ and finally for something rather different – a surprise might be instore – these are small green and mild but it is really Spanish roulette as every so often it will produce a hot one that is indistinguishable until eaten…particularly later in the season!