
Tomato Ciliegia naturally nurtured seed

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Ciliegia’s vivid red colour and fresh tangy taste will captivate you.  This Italian gem hails from Sicily, reportedly one of the sweetest and most aromatic of Italian toms forms long, heavily laden trusses of cherry fruits, each about 2-3cm in diameter.  They begin to ripen early and keep producing all summer – to September in more northern areas but into October in warmer areas.  Indeterminate

Price for 12 seeds

This variety is part of our naturally nurtured range, the seed comes from an organic source

SOW: about 6-8 weeks before the last frost is expected, seed depth 3-5mm in modules (can top off with vermiculite) then cover with a plastic bag or glass.  When large enough to handle we transplant to pots, setting them deep, & grow on

GROW: harden off & plant out when frost danger is over in a sunny sheltered part of your garden.  For the best flavour keep soil evenly damp trying not to overwater or overfeed.  Cilegia is indeterminate: it grows tall, blooming, setting new fruit and ripening fruit throughout the season – to September in the north (Scottish growers take note), later in warmer areas. 

ENJOY:  reportedly one of the sweetest and most aromatic of Italian toms


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