
Squash Guatemalan Blue Banana

£1.00 / pack(s)

Guatemalan Blue Banana is a stunning heirloom that has dusky blue-green skin with paler stripes, hidden within is the sweet, firm, deep orange flesh:  delicious!  These fruits can reach towards 50cm in length, they will store until the spring and when you want to eat some simply cut off the slices you need (gorgeous baked, roasted or grilled) then store the rest in the fridge. 


Price for 3 seeds


Why choose this one?


The sweet, nutty flavour is akin to butternut


Unlike some other squashes and pumpkins this is an easier-peeler: the skin is thin and is most easily peeled when fresh, peeled fruit can be wrapped and stored in the fridge or cut into slices or chunks and frozen.  Alternatively cut off the slices you need, each slice is then easier to cut out the seeds and trim off the skin, the remaining squash just needs its cut end covered and it will stay fresh in your fridge for ages.


It is important to support the production heirloom varieties, it helps in a small but important way to maintain biodiversity.

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