Pea Rondo (maincrop)

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Rondo is a very sweet flavoured double podded choice. An AGM winner that averages 10 delicious plump peas per pod and that crop is an excellent variety for freezing or eating freshly picked from your garden.  Being wrinkle seeded this maincrop dislikes wet soil whilst germinating - sow into pots for the best start to life before planting out and watching them grow away to 75-85cm tall.  

Price for 50 seeds

SOW: from March to June.  Seed depth 3-5cm, less than 2nd finger knuckle.  Start your wrinkly seeds 3 per 7cm pot to give them a fighting chance against the mice and wet soil conditions, you can also repurpose yogurt pots with holes in the bottom.  Sowing in guttering (seeds 5cm apart in each direction) to be slid into place has become popular.  They can also be sown in situ. 

GROW: pot grown plants need to be hardened off before planting out.   Rondo grows 75-85cm tall so plant out each pot clump 10-15cm apart inserting pea sticks as you go or plant against pea netting.  All peas like moisture whilst growing and will tolerate light shade.  Water in dry summers.  Allow 14-16 weeks, picking regularly encourages more growth.

EAT: very sweet, an excellent variety for freezing or eating freshly picked from your garden



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