Orlaya Grandifolia

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£2.50 / pack(s)

Orlaya’s pure white lacy blooms seem to hover over a delicate and much divided fern like foliage. The blooms themselves are made from little florets with a circlet of larger petals – intricate and exquisite.  Think of this as a cut-&come-again flower… the more flowers you cut the more the plant produces, from June to September, often until the first frosts


Height to 60cm




Price for 25 seeds


SOW: either spring or autumn.  From March to May sow seed on the surface of lightly firmed, moist seed compost in pots or trays and cover with a very lightly, pop into a bag and keep at 15-20°C, light aids germination which can take 21-30 days. Can be sown direct late summer or early autumn alternatively a protected Autumn sowing will give you stronger plants earlier the following year - sow in 15cm pots and keep them in a cold frame or green house over the winter (allows them to develop a larger rootball).


GROW:  harden off pot grown seedlings and young plants before planting out at 30-45cm apart.  Orlaya likes a sunny site, it is reputed to be deer resistant, & it is attractive to pollinating insects (one for the veggie garden perhaps).


ENJOY: think of this as a cut-&come-again flower… the more flowers you cut the more the plant produces, from June to September, often until the first frosts.  Perfect for a cut flower – on its own in a tall thin vase or combined with a deep colour or bunch together for a summer bouquet. 

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