Oriental Mustard Leaf Green Fire F1

£0.60 / pack(s)

The eye-catching bright green, deeply indented, curly leaves are a tasty & visual delight.  They will blend with other salad ingredients without overpowering them as the flavour is not too pungent.  Pick them young for an even milder flavour.  This is a slower growing variety than many.  Price for 50 seeds. 

SOW:  from spring to autumn.  Starting the seeds in modules enables you to transplant at the 2/3 leaf stage; for really good crops in winter transplant under cover. 

GROW: space at 10cm for little leaves.  If given space this variety can reach 40-45cm tall and will need at least 30cm spacing to do this.  Keep watered in very dry weather.  You can overwinter Green Fire under cloches, in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse and enjoy fresh greens in the spring

EAT: enjoy for salads or for cooking.  Any flowering shoots can be cut and treated like you would broccoli.

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