
Lettuce Miniko (mini iceberg)

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£1.10 / pack(s)

Choose Miniko for a lovely, crisp and delicious, one lettuce per day, iceberg experience!  Ideal for growing in smaller spaces or for a smaller household and ideal for spring, summer and autumn harvests.  Sweet taste, fresh crunch and slow to bolt – fabulous choice for home growing.

Price for 75 seeds.

SOW: from mid-February to the end of July.  Seed depth 10-15mm, we find it best to start them in modules or trays and transplant so that there is no need to thin.  Sow some seed every 2-3 weeks for a succession of lettuces over a longer period of time. 

GROW: when large enough to handle plant out at 20-25cm apart.  Set at the same depth, planting deeper will give you smaller heads.  Grow in rows or pop into any available spaces or between slower growing veggies. 

TOP TIP: for hot weather - place the seed packet in the fridge overnight, this cooling down will help improve germination.


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