Courgette Costata Romanesco

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COURGETTE COSTATA ROMANESCO ~ this vining heirloom produced fluted fruits with a rich nutty flavour 6 seeds SOW: late April to the end of May, under cover or on a window sill, 1 seed per pot. GROW: keep moist, but not waterlogged, harden off and plant out after all danger of frost has passed. Costata Romanesco will need a bit more space as it will vine: it is possible to tie these in to a trellis and grow upwards rather than outwards! In cooler areas you can protect young plants with cloches until they have settled in. Not as prolific as some but very well flavoured. EAT: scalloped slices are lovely pan fried or grilled – sprinkle with black pepper or herbs and a pinch of salt if so desired. Small fruits are perfect for salads or cook them whole. Firm fruits can be diced or sliced for freezing

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