Cosmos Sensation Mixed


Grow Cosmos Sensation Mixed and treat yourself to stunning splashes of colourful silky single flowers, in shades of pink, red and white each with a small yellow centre. Tall and floriferous for blooms all summer long.  Plenty for the bees and butterflies to feast upon and for you to cut and enjoy in your home. 

Flowering: summer, July to September

Height 90-110cm  


Price for 50 seeds.

SOW: in situ in May/June or earlier in spring in trays of seed compost.  Barely cover with compost or vermiculite and keep gently warm.  Prick out when they reach the two-leaf stage and grow on.

GROW:  harden off and plant out at from the end of May onwards.  For clumps space 10-20cm apart.  For bushier plants, pinch out growing tips when plants reach 15-20cm tall.  They like to be in a sunny position and may need staking. 


  • The silky single blooms make stunning displays as a CUT FLOWER or in your garden.
  • WILDLIFE, loved by bees (important for short tongued bees) and attracts Hoverflies & butterflies.
  • Listed by the RHS as a valuable pollinator’s plant

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