Carrot Nelson F1


CARROT NELSON F1 ~ sweet and early with smooth crisp roots 150 seeds SOW: from February (with protection even in milder areas) right through to August. Sow sparingly to avoid the need for too much thinning. Sowing in early spring before mid-March (warm the soil with the cloches) or after late June can help avoid carrot fly trouble. GROW: your earliest carrots may be ready in late April, late sowings will harvest in October. You can pull Nelson as a baby carrot or leave to stagger your harvest, just keep them moist and weed free – they don’t like the competition. EAT: Enjoy the flavour when pulled fresh. They can be stored in a poly bag in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Freezing is simple just slice/dice larger carrots but baby carrots can be frozen whole.

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